Saturday, February 5, 2011

Town Update!

So sorry I haven't updated in a few days. Things have been so busy! I may need to start a personal blog to tell you guys about everything hectic going on in my life! But anyway, here is an update on the town!

I have three townhouses completed, each one a different color theme. The first one is yellow, the second is green, and the third is blue. I'm still working on the blue floor, but that's because I haven't found enough sheep to dye yet. Across the street from that I'm working on a restaurant, which I'm really excited about. The inn is finished except for the roof, which I need to do some serious thinking about. There is a glitch on the server at that altitude right around my farm, and the roof pieces aren't showing up on that row. They will show up if another block is on top of them or on the side of I need to figure out which one will look less silly. The greenhouse is complete, so I'll upload a picture of it now. There's also a general store that is pretty much done. Other than that, everything else is a work in progress, but it's slowly coming together. Hopefully I'll have more time to work on it this week. For now, here's the greenhouse!

Town greenhouse, complete with pumpkins, wheat, and sugar canes!

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