Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cloud gaming a hot topic at HPG2010 and Onlive coming to Belgium!

Woot! Onlive is coming to my small, governmental-crisis-prone country :-D. Yay!
Belgacom, the largest broadband operator in Belgium, has made an investment in OnLive, and has partnered with us to deliver the OnLive® Game Service to their broadband customers. Belgacom has the exclusive right to bundle the OnLive Game Service in Belgium and Luxembourg with their other broadband services, but gamers in these countries also will have the option of ordering directly from OnLive through any Internet service provider.
Too bad I hate those soul-sucking fuckers from Belgacom and I refuse to pay them a cent. OnLive should have partnered with Telenet: much better broadband service (Telenet is on cable, which is on average 3x faster than Belgacom's ADSL network) and much more popular in general than the state owned monopoly of Belgacom.

In other news, HPG2010 will feature Turner Whitted (ray tracing pioneer) and Cevat Yerli (Crytek) as keynote speakers, and both will talk about server-side rendering

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