Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Star Wars cupcake

Finally made a Star Wars themed cupcake today. Yes just one. The above storm trooper was a pain in the A to make. It's made out of marshmallow fondant (first time making it for me) and getting everything to stick and it was small and fidgety. Plus I have 2 kids, a twitter account and my Mum on the phone to keep up with while making it. I now have a headache and am rolling out little panadol looking fondant balls to eat with my chocolate milk.

The frosting isn't suppose to be so green looking. It's more of a teal blue irl but my shocking lighting in my house and my use of my mobile's camera made it look icky. You can't even see the cool foil cupcake wrapper (space like) it's in. Darn. Shall have to try again one day and take proper photos during the day.

May the Fork be with you.
(seriously who needs a fork when it comes to cupcakes?)

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