Sunday, May 2, 2010

Things Bogans like..

I will never understand Frangipani stickers on cars or the phrase "Fully sick Bro".
I don't understand why Commodores are so common or why they're always on show.

I don't get why your Footy team is a religion and why ciggies make you tough as.
I don't like the nicknames Chooka, Bazza, Johno or Robbo or Shaz.

I don't see why there are so many glassings or why men think women will get their "tits out".
You won't see me drinking Jimmy, Jack or Johnny. Not even Cider, Cask wine or Stout.

Not liking these things doesn't make me a snob, a bitch, a cow or a tart.
I just don't really laugh when you scratch your balls infront of me or fart.

I'm not calling you a Bogan because I'm a bogan too. I've been called it many a time.
I just prefer to keep my natural hair colour and I think mullets are a crime.

I'm not scared of you and I'm not holding my bag closer when you walk by.
I just think your 1990 Collingwood premiership tattoo is enough to make me cry.

So all in all I think Bogans are awesome, bloody good and pretty tops
because who else is going to warn you when they see the fricken cops.

(had to post something new and the Tow ball balls were pretty funny)

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