Friday, August 6, 2010

Do you see scientific research into the fundamental building block of matter, the origin of the universe, abiogenesis and biological evolution as " usurping the role of God"

Do you see scientific research into the fundamental building block of matter, the origin of the universe, abiogenesis and biological evolution as "usurping the role of God"

Thankyou for improving my vocabulary. "abiogenesis" :-)

The answer is "no."

I can't conceive of enquiry in and of itself being immoral - certainly not inherently immoral. In fact, more the opposite - we are made to be inquisitive and the delving into the fascinating workings of creation can even be respectful, even worshipful of a Creator. And this is not contingent on including God in the subject or scope of that enquiry.

Someone may undertake such research in a determined attempt to "disprove" God or something. But that sort of rebellion/rejection is not necessary/inherent to the research. And even if it were present, being simply conceptual/emotional/personal, it does not enter the domain of ethical actions which I interacted with in my previous answer ( ).


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