Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stormtrooper Tattoo?

I've been thinking up tattoo designs and ideas for my first tattoo for awhile. Mainly in my head but this is the first time I've sketched out and idea, coloured it and been happy.

Introducing Storm Trooper Mickey. As I've collected Mickey Mouse collectibles since I was younger so I thought this would be a good start to my tattoo collection (I'm thinking about getting 3 tattoos in total eventually) and hey, my brother has a tattoo so I've got to get one too. I never thought he'd ever get one to be honest.

The cupcake is a nod to those who also bake and the Stormtrooper is from my Starwars obsession. Nerd bakers UNITE! I love baking (and had quite a cupcake obsession for a few years) so I had to get somewhat of a cupcake tattoo. I just didn't want to get a cupcake tattooed on it's own. That's been done and I wanted to get something original and combines my 3 loves. Cake, Cartoons and .. *thinks of a c word* Comics? No, geeky stuff that starts with C. Dammit can't think of it.

Anyway what do you think?

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