Friday, August 6, 2010

There are a lot of movie remakes at the moment and old tv shows being made into movies. If you could chose an old film or tv show to redo with a fresher modern version what would you chose, how would you do it and why?

There are a lot of movie remakes at the moment and old tv shows being made into movies. If you could chose an old film or tv show to redo with a fresher modern version what would you chose, how would you do it and why?


I'm not sure. Most of my childhood things have been redone - A-Team, Knightrider, Doctor Who, Scooby Doo etc. We didn't have a TV for much of my childhood (we bought one to plug the Commodore 64 into) so I'm deprived in this area...

Perhaps Battle of the Planets? But I suspect that would be really really cheesy and annoying - like the redone Astro Boy.

I don't want to see 70's British comedy revisited. Except, perhaps, The Goodies (or equivalent concept).

What about Mary Poppins - not as the movie/musical, but as the books, re-done as a series? I loved those books.

And I think for me, that would be what I would want to see - books converted to the screen in a good way. Because it was books that shaped my childhood. So show me Biggles as a TV series. Do Lord of the Rings and Narnia properly. Do Robin Hood properly.

But then again, a remake of Back to the Future would be fun. Perhaps it could be done by 2015 :-)


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