Monday, August 16, 2010

Just like a zombie dinosaur, I have risen again. Reanimated if you will. I've decided to bring my blog back to life. Not that I actually used this as a real blog. It was more a visual diary of crap I've taken photos of and things I have drawn. OK so it was a real blog by the standards some people hold on the net.

Why have I decided to start blogging again? Well because I've blogged since I was 18 and recently I turned 28 years old and realized that I don't have much of an daily output to put my thoughts and writings into. Yes, I have Twitter. Some call Twitter a microblogging site. I call it more of a global chat. You can talk to anyone and that's what I usually use it for. I also have a Tumblr. A visual commodity of... photo junk that I post and don't usually expect anything in return (followers, notes, reblogs are beyond my understanding on Tumblr anyway) but all in all those are more social networking sites. The real social network is a blog. Kind of.

So here I am with my blog again. It's aliveeee aliveeeeee or dead because I'm lazy and won't remember to blog weekly if at all. I shall have to jazz my blog up with a decent layout and some fancy smancy curtains, I mean .. no curtains would look nice actually but it'll come up good.

Away I go to bake and do Motherly things.

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