Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dream dress #3: Donut dress

Anyone who truly knows me knows that I can't resist donuts. Especially sprinkle ones. Possibly why I've put on weight. Actually no, scratch that. The reason I've put on weight is because I won a years supply of donuts from Krispy Kreme. You can see my entry on my blog post here.

Anyway; Dress. Dream. Donuts. Combine those and this is what I've come up with:
Anime style drawing of myself I started for a new layout but ended up drawing donuts all over it.

'Donuts' by Maria on Spoonflower
This is the only donut fabric I've found that almost matches what I've drawn. Super cute!
Donut handbag by Sexy Costumes
Want. Maybe not with the handcuffs but want.

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