Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Spotlight TV Open Invitation

Talking about mixed media and reality tonight in #SecondLife



Spotlight TV Open Invite


It’s been awhile since I’ve had time to do interviews and public appearances, but tonight I’ll be a guest on Spotlight TV to talk about mixed reality media and how reality and virtual worlds can blur for the better. Maybe a bit about Augmented Reality and the role it will play in our digital future? Join us tonight at Spotlight TV with Scorpinosis Nightfire for a conversation that should prove to be interesting (even if we’re wildly off topic).



clairwil_oh★ Host Scorpinosis Nightfire welcomes First and Second Life author Clairwil Oh to discuss her popular virtual vampire novels and the expansion to new worlds outside of SL.





Aeonix_SL_July2011★ Academic Author of The Future of Virtual Worlds in E-Commerce, Object Interoperability Leader for IEEE Virtual World Standard Workgroup, and synthetic environment researcher, Aeonix Aeon (Will Burns) will be joining for a conversation about mixed media and reality.


October 19th, 2011

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