Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Head lice hate!

Headlice. It's enough to make you itch. No seriously. If you're a Mum then you're already itching your head furiously by the mere mention of the bastards.

My 7 year old daughter has come home with headlice. It's not a surprise. School holidays are over and the school is ripe with head crabs. I mean headbugs.

I'm rather over them to be honest. Every time my daughter gets them it means my 3 year old boy will aget them and then I'll get them and then it's CODE RED and everyone and everything needs to be washed, combed and CHEMICALLY TREATED LIKE IT'S A MAJOR DISEASE.

Phew. Luckily I've got a system. Treat everyone's hair, shave Master 3's hair shorter, wash all the bed linen and go to boyfriend's house for 2 days to destress. It hasn't worked successfully yet but you have to keep doing it.

Forget zombies. Headlice should be in a game. They never truly die and their numbers can be almost as persistent and annoying as a flock of hungry seagulls when you have a bucket of chips. That's pretty dangerous in my book.

I really wish there was another way to deal with the buggers! Cue gamer daydream... PEW PEW!

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