Thursday, April 28, 2011

Apple parody on Southpark Season Premier - "HumancentiPad" [Comedy]

"HumancentiPad" from Southpark S15E1
Today, the 15th season of the much loved Southpark is set to start. As Gizmodo reported, it is set to get you laughing on Apple. The joke is on Apple's unadmitted quest for world domination. As it was reported, the iPhone was tracking people's locations wherever they went. The creators of South Park made fun of long Apple User License Agreements, which no one reads and blindly agrees to.

In the episode, Apple managed Kyle to agree on letting him be used as a human prototype for the "HumancentiPad", the idea is as funny as it is ridiculous. I'd like to see Apple put up a good sense of humor and take it the way they are expected to.

And Of course they did not use the correct Apple logo, probably for copyright reasons, but it's pretty funny how they drew it. Literally a shiny black Apple which is bit.

I loved their depiction of Jobs, as you can see above, in his black turtleneck.

This is going to be a lovely episode for Apple entusiasts, isn't it ? It might even give Jobs an idea. For the 'HumancentiPad'.

Please see : The creators of South Park are the copyright holders of the thumbnail above. Thankyou.
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