Sunday, April 17, 2011

Things have changed...

 I am writing this entry from my cell phone which is now acting as a router/modem.
Things...have changed... See, back in the day, you could count the amount of people who had a cell phone, and most of them were in their car, now look at me, a phone that is acting as a router/modem, wirelessly with my laptop.

What has science done... Where just by putting my sister's cell number on my cell, he finds out her nickname and twitter account.
Where cars park themselves, devices tell us how to go from point A to point B.
I am amazed with these new technologies, how they change lives, make them easy, or worse, Skynet.
What I mean with this is, information nowadays is open, anyone can copy, anyone can leach, sell, or spread it.
We're living in an age where, if you don't show up on google, you don't exist, and that worries me.

We cannot hide...Unless you don't have an internet connection.

I'm afraid that, in the future, when i give someone my name, they'll know my address, who my family is, friends, contacts, everything.

Well, I feel better now, Sorry for making you read all this.

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