Tuesday, February 22, 2011


That's the best title I can come up with to everything that happened this weekend. Not only was our main server down, but my computer got hacked! Luckily, the only thing that was stolen were my e-mail and facebook passwords. Everything has been worked out now. Good to be back!

Now for the reason you guys read this. MINECRAFT. Well, as you know, I've been working on this witch tower project that I've been really excited about. And I was, until I started building last night and figured out that the clouds go straight through one of the stories of my tower. Still unsure about what I'm going to do about that. May just end up finding some more sulphur and blowing up the whole thing. Yeah, I'm pretty bummed about it. I've just left it alone for now and continued working on the town, which is really starting to look nice. I put in a lot of sidewalk/road area, and started building lanterns to light up the roads. The lantern look is one I stole from Sammy, and I think it looks really nice. To make a lantern like the ones we make, you need the following:
  • 5 fence pieces
  • a block of some kind to put torches on
  • 3 torches
  • something to build "up" with (I use dirt, it's the cheapest and easiest to find around my area)
To start, build yourself "up" about three blocks. I say three because I like to have my lanterns four blocks above ground level. You're going to put the first fence post on TOP of the third block of whatever material. I'll just say dirt for this tutorial. You're also going to want to put the block that you're going to put torches on to the side of the dirt block. The side depends on which way you want your lantern to face. I usually put mine in front of the fence posts. Next, put another fence post on top of that block. Then you're going to want to knock the dirt out and put another fence post under the one you just made. Repeat this process until you get to the bottom. Finish off by putting the three torches around it and you have yourself a cute little lantern. I'm putting them up all over my town, because it just looks a lot nicer than random torches on the ground around the roads. Hope you guys can use them too! Also, I'll post a picture of what the finished product looks like as soon as minecraft.net is back up! Have a great day!

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