Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Town Days One and Two

When I last wrote in here a few days ago, I had just started my town. By the end of the day I had completely flattened most of the land that will be the town, and also built a huge wall around it. I say huge now, but I will most likely be extending it because I think my town is going to be bigger than expected! I kind of wish I'd stop getting ideas about what to include in it sometimes, but a big project will be good for me!

Day two I got a lot done. Jeff and I cleared out most of the mountain that's right in front of my town. I also completed the wall for the length it's going to be right now and put a road around the outside. As for buildings, I've started the Inn, which will be in the middle of the town, and some little townhouses. I'm also working on sort of an irrigation field for wheat and sugarcane. I'm pretty sure I'm going to put it inside of a "greenhouse" of glass. That's about all I've done so far, but it's coming together nicely! I plan to get a lot done today, so hopefully my next update will be bigger.

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