Friday, February 11, 2011

Sanctum Server Update!

As stated before, due to obligations (the server is hosted by my boyfriend), I needed to move to Sanctum to help moderate the world. The big difference between it and the server Amy plays on (what I'll now refer to as Jeff's Server) is the fact that Sanctum uses bukkit for plugins (Jeff's Server is completely vanilla except for teleportation via RuneCraft). Administrators (aka Jon, Ariane, and myself) have access to plugins called World Edit and Voxel. They are pretty amazing! Sanctum is relatively easier to play in due to Creeper Nerf being on. Creeper Nerf causes Creeper explosions to do no damage to the land above ground. This allows for us to focus more on building and less on repairing.

So, here's a little update with pictures of what I've been spending my time doing!

I'll come back later with pictures of other people's amazing creations!

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