Friday, February 11, 2011

Witch Princess!

Way in the sky above the small town, I am building a witch tower. I'm thinking Aymi would make a suitable witch princess, sort of like in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, if anyone is familiar with the game. I'm pretty excited about my little floating house, and I can't wait to show you guys pictures soon! Sorry for the lack of updates, this week has been hectic. This weekend I'm devoting as much time as possible to working on both my town and the new house for my little witch princess. I don't want to give everything away, so I'll give you some clues:

  • Lots of sugarcane
  • Lots of colored wool
  • Mossy cobblestone
Yes, I'm going all out for this one. It's going to be pretty big when I'm done, I think. :) Pictures will soon be coming!! 

For now, here are a couple of pictures of my newly finished project, the general store!
View from the entrance, with furniture on display.

Display of a few of the dyes available in the game.

The cash register is made from a cobblestone stair. My boyfriend came up with that idea and I  thought it was cute!

And as I was writing this, a creeper spawned in my greenhouse.

Note to self, add more torches inside the greenhouse.

That's all for now. Off to chop wood!

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