Wednesday, September 29, 2010

3DS has been priced!

Nintendo finally told the public the price for the 3DS, and as it has been expected, its 300$.

If you don't know what the 3DS is, its the newest handheld from Nintendo, after the DS.
And as the name implies, the 3DS uses 3D technology, and the best part is it does, but you don't need those special glasses, for the 3D effect.

and that's not all! it now has an analog (And about time), home button, and a wider upper screen (that's the one that will have 3D. But, if you don't use 3D that's fine, there's a slider that de-activates the technology.

Now, if all of that wasn't enough, many companies (Like Konami, Capcom) are releasing hit series titles to the 3DS, alongside with a Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time remake, Metal Gear Solid 3 remake, and many other titles as well as the new Street Fighter!

What amazes me most, in all of this is, that their stock has now lowered price, big time!

Let's just hope nothing bad happens to our company!

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