Thursday, September 2, 2010

[Review] Green Green TV

Genre : Romance / Comedy

General Story : There's an All-Boy Boarding School who is thinking of joining with an All-Girl Boarding School, so they decided to make an experience, by joining both for a month, being the host, the All-Boy division.
Upon arrival of the girls, the head of the welcoming commite Yusuke is greeted by a girl who miraculously appears, named Midori, who behaves affectionate towards Yusuke

My opinion : The story isn't bad, though, it's somewhat predictable and uses a lot of cliches. Seems like another one of those "Magical Girls" animes. But I digress. And as usual with these, not that great of an ending.

Visual :  Allow me to be perfectly honest, here. This anime has a LOT of fan service. And I'm not talking about the occasional Panty shot, I'm talking the constant Panty shot, bras, breasts, etc... And their shapes aren't well drawn in my opinion. That aside, it's not that bad.

Final Rating : This anime isn't bad, but its not that good either. I watched it out of a recommendation. But I'd give it a 3.5/5

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