Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My day taking care of my process in Mohawk College

Ok, so today I went to Mohawk College to get my Process in motion. Yesterday I got an English assessment (Which I passed with flying colors). The rest though, wasn't as easy as I expected... So, allow me to show you my progress today:
-Enter J137 and get results
-Be told to go to C112
-In C112, be told to go to J107 because I'm an international student
-J107 sends me back to J137 for another assessment
-Secondary assessment wasn't required go to library and start Mocomo Account
-Get in the library, open Mocomo, start my timetable, doesn't work.
-Back to J107, be redirected to C066
-C066 tell me I'm not registered in any program, sends me back to J107

Finally, they put me in networking t'ill January, which is when Software Support starts...
A long day indeed, All of this could've been done easier, not making me walk all day.

J137 could've simply redirected me to J107 and they could've taken care of everything, but oh well...

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