Saturday, September 11, 2010

When you say: " I don' t doubt God' s existence. when I do doubt, I am not being sensible." do you mean this as a purely personal position or do you think that anyone, eg atheists or other religions, are not being sensible when they doubt the Christian God

When you say: "I don't doubt God's existence. when I do doubt, I am not being sensible." do you mean this as a purely personal position or do you think that anyone, eg atheists or other religions, are not being sensible when they doubt the Christian God

The answer you are quoting from was very much a personal reflection. It also was an answer that highlights the degree of internal lack of logic that that exists within me when I doubt.

If there is an other-than-me reflection in it at all it would be towards those that profess Christian belief but fail to live like it. To the extent of my failings, I consider myself in that number.

I'm not sure if I would use the phrase "not being sensible" to describe those who doubt the Christian God in a way that is entirely in accord with their worldview and philosophical framework.

I'm not sure that there is one phrase that would demarcate those of a Christian worldview from those of atheistic worldview. For instance, I know of some atheists who have come to faith through the path of logic (i.e. they have applied "sense" within their own framework and reframed their conclusions about God), others along the path of moral conviction, others along the path of grappling with some form of revelation that rendered their previous worldview untenable. "Becoming sensible" certainly would not adequately or consistently describe these transitions.

I know some current atheists / holders of other religion who are quite "sensible" (in the sense of coherent internal framework). And there are others who are less sensible - in that they espouse one thing and live like another.

In other words, it's a mixed bag all round, and I don't know if the internal sensibleness of a worldview is a useful tool for demarcating the debate.


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