Sunday, September 12, 2010

So I got a mac...

Yesterday I got a macbook, here's the specs:

  • Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4
  • 2GB of DDR3 Ram @ 1067Mhz
  • 250GB Hard Drive @ 5400RPM (8MB Cache)
  • nVidia Geforce 320m
Same specs as a Mac Mini nowadays. 

So anyways, I gave MacOS X a try, and to be honest, I hate it. It seems too bloated to me, and I just don't get along with it. I don't like the way it works, all apps are just an icon, they don't have their folders, its all inside them. iTunes...Meh I had enough of it from my iPod times. I hate it, as soon as I dragged my songs onto it, it started copying them to the hard drive! Without asking first!

Oh well... One thing I do like about Mac OS X is that it looks good, but that's been apple's Philosophy all along, to attract hipster customers, it's really easy to use, and there's always Mac OS equivalents of lots of apps you use!

but alas, I like the close button on the right, and a maximize/minimize button too! (What the hell does that "+" do anyways? I never got it! It somehow "maximized" the window, but didn't stretch on the whole monitor.

What apps did I use?... iTunes for music, no matter how much I googled, that seemed to be the right choice (Once you go foobar, you don't go back), Adium for MSN and etc.. (Still prefer Digsby, why? To be honest I don't know, maybe I wasn't used to Adium yet, even though digsby uses some things from adium), uTorrent for torrents (Amazingly, its really well done, but I never got to check out the tetris easter egg), Dropbox, I have to have this in every computer I own, and I think that's it.

So, to finish all of this..

Hi! I am a mac, and Windows 7 was completely MY choice!

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