Saturday, September 4, 2010

Exophase Gamercard contest is holding a contest for a new design for their Gamercard. Here's their current gamercard:

What are the prizes?
Prizes are the following steam games:
BioShock 2, Grand Theft Auto IV, Left 4 Dead 2, Shatter, Half Life 2, Half Life 2: EP1 Indigo Prophecy, Thief, Team Fortress 2
Each 3 final contestants get 3 games, but here's the catch, he who comes in first place, chooses 3 games, after that, second contestant will choose another three, and the last, gets the "left-overs".

Think its fair.

How do I participate?
Well here are the rules. Just join their forum and post your entry in this thread! Be sure to have a PSD and the fonts used of the entry.

I also entered this contest, and here's my entry:

Wish me luck!

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