Friday, September 3, 2010

Text on the system tray clock

I love messing around with computers, and I love to sometimes do little tweaks here and there, and this one in particular, I like! I will teach you how to add text to your system tray clock! Now mind you! This was done on Windows 7, you might have to do things differently, depending on your OS!

Now! Let's start this howto!

  • First, open up the Control Panel!

  • Look for "Region and Language"

  • Press the "Aditional Settings" button on the bottom, can't miss it!
  • Now open the "Time" tab!
  • And here's the "tricky part"
  • Think about the text you wanna use and put it the "Short time" and "Long time" fields. Example:
    'text' HH:mm 'more text'

    it is essencial that the text remains INSIDE the ''!
And that's it! :)

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