Saturday, January 22, 2011

Adventures of Aymi and Asterly!

Today was a pretty good day in Minecraft. I finished off my brick house and built a barn. But that's not the best part. The best part was my adventure today with my friend Aster.

It all started when Aster told me she made a gate to the Nether. I was curious so I came to check it out. It was beautiful! A pretty obsidian rectangle with swirly purple designs, with what looked to be purple snowflakes coming out of it. But that wasn't all that was coming was also making some extremely creepy noises. To our dismay, the gate doesn't work yet on Multiplayer mode, but she left it as a pretty entrance to her house, so it wasn't a waste!

Then I explored her house for the first time, and man it's cool! It had a huge waterslide in it, but after my fail attempt to exit it (yes, I drowned) she took it down. My mistake. The best part of Aster's house is the top, which has red flowers in the shape of a heart that Jeff made for her (AWW!!!). She also has a really neat indoor garden that I'm happy to say I helped supply sugarcane for.

After exploring the house, we went on an adventure and found snow! The snowballs are such fun. It took us a little over a day to reach snow from our part of the world, but it was well worth it. We got to sail across the ocean, and that was fun. I accidentally punched my boat to death, but Aster fixed it. It seems that I'm clumsy even on Minecraft. Anyway, after stocking up on snow we made a plan to launch them at Anderson for setting the place on fire (no, I have NOT forgiven that yet!!) and headed for home. I was losing a bit of health by then so Aster gave me some cake. It was delicious! We also went to a secret location, but I told her I'd keep that between us, so everyone will just have to wonder about that one!

I'm beginning to see that the best part of Minecraft is playing with friends. Oh yes, and I also have the screenshots I've been promising of my finished work so far:

The brick house completed! Next to it is a guest house which will be in my next screenshot post! Also, say hello to Bessie the cow, main provider of milk at our farm!

The inside left side of the house.

The inside right view (my first redstone torch!!)

The basement with the food supply and building material chests.

The barn, made out of red took awhile to make this one!

Inside view of the barn, with the feeding stalls and "hay", which is really just yellow wool. It's just for appearance, obviously. Out back is a fenced in pasture. Aster caught a pig which roams in there!

That's it for today! Hope you guys enjoyed the pictures of our growing farm. Until next time!

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