Saturday, January 22, 2011

Recruiting Animals!

I'm glad Sammy took the time to explain about that..event..that happened last night. I was kind of speechless for awhile. All I could say over vent was OMG, OMG, OMG. I was so scared we were going to lose the farm..that's what we get for trying to adopt a hobo! Can't trust 'em! Just kidding, Anderson. It was one of the most entertaining nights I've ever had on there!! With the fire finally abolished, it's time for me to move on to my next project: a barn.

Why a barn? Well, because ANDERSON SCARED ALL THE PIGS AWAY!! We're running out of porkchops because of the fire. I am going to seduce the pigs with my architecture and make them flourish again. It could be either epic or a big mess. Either way, it's going to be fun.

Now to decide if I want a red barn or a wooden barn...I think I'ma go all out and make it red. Pictures to come!

P.S. The brick house is finished and furnished. :) The guest house is a work in progress, but it'll have to wait until we have a better food supply. I'll post pictures of the brick house later, too.

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