Sunday, January 23, 2011

Update 2 on real-time path traced Cornell Box Pong

I have made a simulation of the gameplay of Cornell Box Pong, running at a (simulated) 9 fps (click here or on the animation to see the whole thing instead of only the left half):

This is the quality that could be expected in real-time (10 fps) when running on a high-end Fermi card (GTX 480, 570, 580). Notice the color bleeding from the green and red wall on the white spheres, the yellow ball is reflected in the paddles and refracted in the glass sphere in front. I could also animate the spheres in the background to show off the color bleeding even better and the side or back walls could change color during gameplay to add a nice visual effect (e.g. when the pong ball hits one of the side walls), the paddles could emit light when bouncing the ball back, etc... The goal is to make a very simple game, with simple geometry but with real-time, fully dynamic, photorealistic lighting demonstrating ultrahigh-quality dynamic GI effects only possible with real-time path tracing.

These are the frames making up the animation in full "simulated real-time"quality (rendered for about 3 seconds on my laptop with GeForce 8600GT M, should render in less then 100 milliseconds on a GTX580):

New scene can be downloaded from (needs tokaspt, the extremely fast CUDA path tracer). Still thinking on how to progam the gameplay. Stay tuned!

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