Monday, January 31, 2011

Whoa. I almost forgot

I am a horrible procrastinator once again. I had plans for this blog and I'm not doing them! Dear readers, I am sorry I have temporarily failed you. I had stopped playing Minecraft for a bit to focus on some real life drama and school. Don't fear though. I'm back!

It appears the farmlands will have a halt in development as Amy and I were both inspired to do something different. We both will be making cities, only separately this time. Our little server is about to turn into a huge country!

I've been in a very big Pokemon mood lately. So I decided, why not, let's make a city modeled off a real Pokemon city. Celadon's got a nice mall structure so I've decided to make it based off that.

This will be a pretty big project for me to take on, so I imagine it'll take some time. Readers, I hope I do not disappoint you if it takes long.

I still plan on doing Mod reviews, but SMP is just so much more fun than SSP. It's hard for me to want to go back!

I will say this though. One of my servers uses Bukkit, so I might do reviews on plugins there. Bukkit is basically a server client that allows you to handle server side mods! It's pretty neat-o. I can't tell you how much of a godsend /set home is!

My other server, the one I will be building Celadon City in, is using RuneCraft which is pretty nifty as well. I'm a sucker for the teleporters. I like easy travel!

I guess that's a semi-review for now. Expect more later!

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