Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Found CLAY!!!

It's night time in game right now, and I should be patching up the inside of our poor log cabin. Yes, another creeper has struck. Fortunately, it was an easy fix. Minor damage, just a few broken windows and doors, and a new front wall. It gave me an idea to redo the whole look of the front bottom floor, and gave me an excuse to finally even out the pond in front of our house. Thanks, creeper, you made me design a better house!!

Before I get off track, let me tell you about my discovery of clay today on our server! This is why I'm blogging instead of patching up our house. I made a brick house on Sammy's boyfriend's server, since ours was down all day yesterday. Sammy found the clay for me, so I was thinking it'd be easy to make a little brick house near our cabin in my main server. HA!!! Let me tell you, I ran for FOUR DAYS south of our cabin in search of this mythic material. Four days!! That's a lot of 1x1 holes to hide from zombies, let me tell you. After many broken boats, I finally found some of the amazing stuff. Brick house, HERE I COME!

Sort of. Clay is a lot different than the other building materials. Not only is it hard to find, but you have to cook it. One clay makes one clay brick. After you've cooked all your bricks (I had five furnaces going cooking all my stacks! Insane, right? I'm surprised the house didn't catch on fire.) you have to go to the crafting table. From there, put a block of four, doesn't matter where on the table, and each four bricks equal one building brick. That means four stacks of clay (64 pieces) makes ONE stack of building bricks! Crazy!! But the outcome is so pretty. I love the bricks in this game, so it was totally worth the epic journey. Only problem is going to be finding more to finish my project..hmm..that's for another day.

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