Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh Great, Another Creeper.

Normally, this blog will be about my daily adventures in Minecraft. Unfortunately, our server is down at the moment so this first post will have to be a rant about the most deadly creature, the creeper.

Picture yourself in your own home, let's just say a log cabin. A beautiful two story log cabin with nice lanterns outside and a lovely little garden for a backyard. The sky is blue, the clouds are fluffy, and you can hear cows mooing in the distance, ready to give you some milk. All of a sudden, you hear a loud TNT explosion, you turn around, and half your wheat field is gone. Not only that, but your water irrigation system is a bit deeper than usual. Oh, not only THAT, but half your house has been demolished.

THAT, readers, is the work of a creeper in Minecraft. They are hateful green blobs of creatures that I swear are out to get me. I know, I know, they do the same thing to everyone. It just seems like with my lag issues they do it to me a lot more! I've heard of people being able to outrun them and keep their health, but I always seem to get blown up by them. I've ruined mine and Sammy's house at least 5 times in the past few days because of the little creepers. Right now, I'm working on rebuilding our wheat field that I ruined last night via creeper encounter.

I think the creepers are the hardest part of Minecraft. Once they get eye contact there is no escape. They will hunt you down and blow up everything around you if they want. And they want, trust me, they WANT. The best tactic I've found for dealing with these awful creatures is praying that there is a porkchop or two in my inventory, running the opposite way of anything important to my Minecrafting, and hoping that if I do happen to die, I can respawn and run to where my stuff is fast enough.

Anyone have any better advice? Please?

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