Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why I am grateful for the night time

Now, I am a very irresponsible person. I failed out of college once because I decided video games were more important than classes. I decided to take a break from school after that too enjoy my life a bit. In November, I decided that I had taken a long enough break and I needed to do something with my life. So I enrolled in classes. I figured it'd be okay, there were no games I was obsessed with. I was losing interest in hardcore gaming anyway and was slowly becoming a true casual.

Then my boyfriend told me those faithful words that one day, "Let's buy minecraft."

I had heard of the game before. I had messed around on the free creative mode they have on the website and decided it wasn't for me. It was a nice concept and all, but the graphics were really bad for this day and age. The game could have been great with a graphics update. I brushed it off for quite a long time, while Jon and his brothers obsessed over the creative mode.

So, when Jon asked me to buy the game for him, I agreed, thinking it would be fun to maybe mess around with, but that it wouldn't keep my interest. And it certainly wouldn't interfere with my decision to start school in January.

I decided to play the game first in exchange for paying for it. I log on to an SSP game in a new world. Jon tells me it's my duty to punch a tree. From the first moment I punched a tree and got that first piece of wood. From the first night I spent holed up in the side of a mountain. From the first zombie I killed. From the first creeper who blew me up and caused me to lose everything, I was addicted. I think I played that first time for 4 hours straight before finally letting Jon on.

School started last week. I take online classes so it doesn't really interefere with any of my gaming time. However, I do have to set aside time to do it. This is why I'm grateful that it was minecraft and not some other MMO or Xbox 360 game that caught my interest. Nighttimes in Minecraft are perfect for me. Those times when I have nothing better to do but stare out the window waiting for the zombies to catch on fire are perfect. I crack out the textbooks, read, and do assignments.

Minecraft nights, you are my hero.

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