Friday, January 21, 2011


Okay, so you know yesterday how I said it took me four days to find clay? Well, of course I ran out today. wasn't looking the way I wanted...NEEDS MORE BRICKS!!! So, I set off on another journey, hoping I had enough wood to make myself a couple of makeshift homes where needed. First, I took some mossy cobblestone that I had found with Jake yesterday over to my boyfriend John's huge castle, so he could make whatever with it. His castle is located a bit near a sandy area, so I decided to look around a bit after leaving. What did I find about 20 seconds away? CLAY. Not just clay...but claaaaay. Way more than I found yesterday on my long journey!! Why me?! Maybe it's karma for giving a buddy of mine who just started playing on our server last night some tools. Who knows? All I know is the brick house will soon be completed, as soon as I can get back on! The load balancer with Amazon is being sketchy at the moment, so we've been kicked off.

OH yeah, I forgot to put my experience getting back on our server finally in yesterday's blog entry.

I was starting to feel like some kind of drug addict. I've never done drugs or anything, but I think that must be how it feels to want something so badly that you're willing to do whatever for it. Either that, or drive yourself crazy til it comes to you naturally. Unfortunately, I had to drive myself crazy because there's nothing I can do in the Minecraft situation. When the servers are down, they're down! I was starting to shake, and freak out a little bit (okay, over exaggeration) when FINALLY the server came back up!! Hooray! Joyful, joyful! First thing I did was message Anderson and flip out about it. I think I scared him a little, but maybe not. He may be used to the way I get excited by now. I almost cried I was so happy. Addiction? Yes.

Jeff, our server host, kind of feels like a crack dealer because of it. My bad, Jeff.

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