Sunday, January 30, 2011

Making a Town!

Yes, that is what I will be doing this week. I am doing the unthinkable, making an entire town by myself. Why? I don't know. I need something to do, I guess! I'm pretty excited about it and have a lot of plans for it. So far I've found the perfect area for it and am clearing the land. I also built a huge fence around the entire thing to keep out the unwanted. Can't wait to finish some things and upload some pics for everyone to see!! By the way, if anyone wants a really cool texture pack, download this one. It's the one Lewis from the Yogscast videos uses!

If you don't know who Lewis is or haven't seen the Yogscast videos on Youtube, I highly suggest looking them up. They are absolutely hilarious and definitely sold me on buying this game. Almost daytime, so talk to you all soon!

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